Sunday, April 2, 2017

Entry Twelve

Day Twenty-Nine

A recap of my day. I texted Omar to follow up with our earlier plans to spend some time at his house, then go out to film. No reply for about two hours. I started to get frustrated, I texted his brother knowing he was working to no avail. in those two hours I left him voicemails and kept texting him, concerned about his absence. It was only until 12 AM that he texts me with an update. he told me his ex-girlfriend had an unexpected obligation and he had to take care of their son, Santi, until 3 PM. This was devastating to me, because I knew that his girlfriend lives in Miami Gardens(forty minutes from me on a good day) and that he had to clock into his shift at Pizza Heaven at 5:30. He told me he would prefer me not to come to him and would try his best to make it back to my city with around half an hour to film. Not nearly enough. I took off a day of school for this so I'm angry at this but, c'est la vie. I got decent b-roll and tried to do an interview in quite possibly the loudest house I've ever been in. Omar's life is busy, at all time doing whatever he can to make money or tend to his kid. We have rescheduled and I'm slightly behind now on my planned schedule but it's not something to worry about. I just need to make sure things go my way for at least one day. Although today for the first time Omar saw how prepared I am for something he didn't expect me to be as I to as I was. he let me guide him into shots and has more faith in my cues, so it wasn't a complete waste of a day. I have my questions ready and filming locations chosen, so I'm confident in my ability to knock out what I need to do in a single day, but I don't want to jinx anything.

I will start building my website this weekend, leaving spaces blank where I need to put something it, just so when it comes to the final parts, all I have to do is put what I have to in it's rightful place.

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